About Us
Shaurya Martial Arts and Self Defence is instrumental in learning martial arts for all age groups and gender. Especially to learn self defence which is one of the derivatives of martial arts. With the team of qualified trainers trained in India and abroad and well a equipped academy, we provide training with a different approach. The flexible approach and safety measure taken during training enables us to teach martial art to even those people who don’t have experience of martial art or any sort of intensive physical exercise experience. It provides an opportunity for all those people who are captivated by these kind of physical activities but vary of them due to fear of getting injuries or troubles. “We believe that Martial Arts is just not a training of our body but more of our mind”
Our Philosophy
A Martial Art is a life art and it is not exclusive for few physically strong people.
Marial Arts can serve multiple purposes like physical fitness, endurance, flexiblity, Self Confidence for each individual.